Kunst von Kunst - Art of art

Paintings by Wolfgang Hock
All Left Propaganda ?  Alles Linke Meinungsmache ?  2018   Study after Delacroix Studie nach Delacroix Handmade digital painting on paper 30 x 24 cm (215 megapixel) All Left Propaganda ? Alles Linke Meinungsmache ?  2018   After Delacroix Nach Delacroix Handmade digital painting on canvas 150 x 120 cm (215 megapixel)
Goethe  2018   Handmade digital painting on canvas 130 x 160 cm (218 megapixel) The Look at Vermeer's Camera Lense Der Blick in Vermeers Kameralinse  2018   Handmade digital painting on canvas 110 x 130 cm (228 megapixel)